Affiliate Program
Easily promote an offer or product by sharing your customized links with your audience.
Earn up to 10% commission for specific categories after a successful purchase. Refer more, earn more!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, there are no costs to join the Chipease affiliate program. It is entirely free for our customers.
You must be a regular customer or a content creator who has used our products. Additionally, you should have an objective evaluation of our products. We hope you’ll share your experience and enjoyment with a broader audience.
Customers who have purchased our products are automatically enrolled in our affiliate program.
Currently, there is no limit on the number of members who can join our program. We welcome more people to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.
By default, commissions are calculated based on the order total, excluding shipping. This means your commission is calculated only on the product prices.
- Step 1: Sign up to the Chipease affiliate platform by clicking the “Apply Now” link.
- Step 2: Join the affiliate program and receive your unique code to promote our products. For returning customers, your order number or invoice number will be your referral code.
- Step 3: Earn commissions when customers purchase through your code.